Cancellation Policies

Court Reporters | To avoid any charges, please cancel your court reporter by 3 pm the last business day before scheduled service. Service canceled after 3 pm on the last business day before the scheduled service will incur a $325 fee.

| To avoid any charges, please cancel your videographer by 3 pm the last business day before scheduled service. Service canceled after 3 pm on the last business day before the scheduled service will incur a $325 fee.

Conference Rooms and Videoconferencing | Conference rooms and videoconferencing facilities all have their own individual policies that we will adhere to, but we will always advise you of their cancelation policies before booking.

| To avoid any charges, please cancel your interpreter on the last business day 24 hours before the scheduled service. Service canceled after 24 hours on the last business day before the scheduled service will incur a full day interpreter's fee.

Internet Streaming
| To avoid any charges, please cancel this service on the last business day 72 hours before the scheduled service. Service canceled after 72 hours on the last business day before the scheduled service will incur full charges.